PfizerLeak: Exposing the Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement – The Brazilian Job (DAY 5&6)
By Ehden Biber
Following the great conversation I had with Stew Peters on his show, I thought of expanding a little bit about the Brazilian contract.
First, if you did not watch the episode, I highly recommend you do so.
Now, let us first talk whether or not the contract is real.
Contract timeline
On the 3rd of March 2021, the following message has appeared in the "Diario Official Da UNiado" (Official Diary of the Union) which is the national press of the federative republic of Brazil.
The Department of Logistics in Health of the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Health makes public its intention to contract, with the company Laboratórios Pfizer LTDA, by waiver of a bidding process based on article 2, item I, of Provisional Measure No. 1.026/2021, the acquisition 100,000,000 doses of the COVID-19 CORONAVÍRUS, SARS-COV-2, INJECTABLE vaccine, to be delivered by December 2021. This intention will be ratified after the completion of the procedural instruction in progress. Process 25000.171832/2020-92. ROBERTO FERREIRA DIAS Director of the Health Logistics Department
On the 15th of March, on the same publication, the bidding waiver was explained.
Species: Process No.: 25000.171832/2020-92. Object: Acquisition of VACCINE, COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS, SARS-COV-2), INJECTABLE (ComirnatyTM Vaccine). Total Items: 01. Legal Basis: Article 2, item I, of Provisional Measure nº 1.026/2021. Justification: Acquisition of vaccines and supplies for vaccination against Covid-19. Recognition on 03/15/2021. MARCELO BATISTA COSTA - Deputy General Coordinator of Strategic Health Inputs. Ratification on 03/15/2021. ROBERTO FERREIRA DIAS - Director of the Health Logistics Department. Global Value: R$5,630,060,241.00. Contractor: Pfizer Export B.V, represented by Laboratórios Pfizer Ltda, CNPJ: 46.070.868/0036-99. Value: BRL 5,630,060,241.00.
The contract itself was signed on the 18th of March. Here are the details as appears in the Brazilian document repository:
You can validate by yourself if you go to the document repository of the Brazilian government here, and use the validation code: 0019603551 with the following CRC: 1A550AF8
First, the information on the Pfizer side:
This is the signature of the representative of Pfizer, who you can validate is a real person who is a director in Pfizer Export B.V. here.
Here is information on Pfizer Export B.V., which is sharing the same registered address as:
Pfizer Australia Holdings B.V., Pfizer B.V., Pfizer Development B.V., Pfizer East India B.V., Pfizer Eastern Investments B.V., Pfizer Enterprise Holdings B.V.,Pfizer Global Holdings B.V.,Pfizer Himalaya Holdings Coöperatief U.A., Pfizer Manufacturing Holdings LLC, Pfizer Manufacturing LLC , Pfizer Mexico Holding B.V. , Pfizer OTC B.V., Pfizer PFE AsiaPac Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Australia Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Eastern Investments B.V., Pfizer PFE Global Holdings B.V. , Pfizer PFE Ireland Pharmaceuticals Holding 1 B.V. , Pfizer PFE Service Company Holding B.V., Pfizer PFE Spain B.V. , Pfizer PFE Turkey Holding 1 B.V., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Global B.V. , Pfizer Production LLC, Pfizer R&D Holding B.V., and... Pfizer Ventures LLC.
And here is the Brazilian signature, which translates to: "Document signed electronically by Roberto Ferreira Dias, Director of the Logistics Department, on 03/18/2021, at 20:59, according to official Brasília time, based on art. 6, § 1, of Decree No. 8.539, of October 8, 2015; and art. 8, of Ordinance No. 900 of March 31, 2017."
More about Mr Roberto Ferreira Dias soon.
Legality of digitally signed document
To those who want to read more about the legality of digitally signed documents (e-signature) as audit trail relied upon as key evidence, as legally binding, its usage for court filings, and for class actions and related matters can read more the DocuSign whitepapers related to US courts and to Canadian courts, the fact that digital signatures can be used to execute documents, including where there is a statutory requirement for a signature, according to the Law Commission in the UK... and I can go on and on.
Let us continue.
Following an Information Request No. 379/2021 ( 0019747954), authored by Federal Deputy Gustavo Fruet, which requested clarification on the information conveyed in institutional advertising on social networks and television about the purchase of more than 560 million doses of vaccines against COVID-19, the Department of Health Logistics in the ministry of health has replied to the request on April 7, 2021 via a "Technical Note No. 7/2021-DLOG/SE/MS", signed by no other than Roberto Ferreira Dias , Director of the Logistics Department.
The Request for information asked 3 questions:
Was there an effective purchase/negotiation of 560 million doses or just an indication of purchase intention?
If the answer above is yes, which are the laboratories/manufacturers with which the Ministry made the purchase?
What is the cost of production and placement on social networks and media (radio and TV) of the advertising that publicizes the aforementioned purchase?
In the response, on article 2.4, the director wrote: "In response to this demand, the main data regarding the contracts signed by the Ministry of Health for the acquisition of vaccines against COVID19 are listed below:"
Here is the full table:
As before, you are more than welcome to validate the information here, by using the Validation code 0019910827, and the CRC code 3722E1DD.
Notice this price matches the price as appears in appendix B in the contract.
Contracts visibility:
According to the Brazilian ministry of health website,
"All contracts or acquisitions made pursuant to this Law will be immediately made available on a specific official website on the world wide web (internet), containing, as appropriate, in addition to the information provided for in § 3 of art. 8 of Law No. 12,527, of November 18, 2011 , the name of the contractor, the registration number with the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil, the contractual term, the value and the respective hiring or acquisition process."
Again, you can check the details of the contract there.
Correction to the statement I made in my interviews
Before we continue further, a reminder about Roberto Ferreira Dias. The story is as follows, according to Brazilian news outlets (using google translate):
The president of Covid's Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI), Omar Aziz, has imprisoned former director of Logistics at the Ministry of Health, Roberto Ferreira Dias, on charges of lying during his testimony. “Call the Senate police. You are being held by the presidency of the CPI,” said Aziz, who accused him of perjury....Dias was called upon to explain the accusations that he would have asked for a bribe of US$ 1 per dose of vaccine in negotiations and would have pressured a ministry official to expedite the acquisition of Covaxin, an immunizing agent produced in India.
In my interviews I said that that Roberto Ferreira Dias asekd for $2M dollar bribe... and as you can see from the information above, the real figure is $20M. My lovely Dyslexia. He was later released on bail.
Validating a DocuSign Document
Before we would continue to the contract itself, here is the validation I did to assure the digitally signed document I had is correct:
and here is a 5 minutes walkthrough of the system and the process that was used by the Brazilian government in order to sign the contract with the Pfizer:
The Brazilian Contract - The Terms
So, now that we have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt this contract is real, shall we again look into it? (I am obviously referring to the English version of the contract that states at page 27). We start with the terms, as they have significant implications on the nature of clauses.
Commercially Reasonable Efforts
In clause 1.9, Pfizer is making sure that whatever delay or problems with their product will fall under commercially reasonable efforts. "The Pfizer to achieve relevant objectives...that a similarly situated company...would use to accomplish a similar objective... considering the...risks, uncertainties... taking into account... ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL ISSUES OF SAFETY AND EFFICACY... (and) the ability to produce or obtain adequate supply of the Product or any components or materials used in the manufacture of the Product".
After all, this is a novel treatment, no other company is competing with them in the mRNA field (Moderna has no capacity to produce as much as Pfizer), so this clause gives a lot of ability for Pfizer to claim that any problem that might rise out of production or delivery or safety falls under their commercially reasonable efforts to fulfill their side of the deal.
COVAX Facility
Now here is something that did not appear in the previous contract which I published (The Albanian). As you can see, on Match 2021 there was a new global procurement mechanism for the procurement and delivery of vaccines. We will talk about COVAX in another post.
Pfizer will later commit to Current Good Manufacturing Practices. The only problem is - while there are "gold standards" when it comes to manufacturing normal vaccines, the mRNA is a totally different beast. It is a gene therapy, and as far as I can find no such standards for mRNA technology.
Latent Defect
According to Pfizer, a product is defected only if it does not confirm to the specification of the product, not if it does not perform wrongly. Remember that Pfizer has elements in the vaccine which are proprietary, including some of the genetic code (in the 3-'UTR). There is no way to prove latent defect on those.
Vaccine (?)
According to Pfizer, the vaccines they sell are intended for the prevention of the human disease COVID-19 or any other human disease, in each case which is caused by any of the virus SARS-CoV-2, and/or any or all related strains, mutations, MODIFICATIONS, or derivatives of the foregoing.
It also means "any device, technology, or product used in the administration OR to enhance the use or effect of such vaccine" and any combination.
This contract covers Pfizer vaccines whether or not they were procured by Brazil:
"...procured by Purchaser by any means whether pursuant to the Agreement or by way of any other purchase or
donation including from any third party or otherwise, whether or not authorized pursuant to Section 2.1, and whether procured prior to or following execution of this Agreement."
Will = Shall
In legal terms, shall is an obligation, a must (vs. should). Here Pfizer makes sure that any time the word "will" is used, it considered as a legal obligation.
The Brazilian Contract - The Supply
You can't get out
The Product that Pfizer is selling is sold under emergency approval regulations. If there will be a product that can treat the disease, a medicine, this approval according to the FDA must be revoked. According to the contract, even if such a treatment will be found, this contract cannot be voided. Sorry, Ivermectin.
You can only get it from Pfizer and authorized suppliers, and you are not allowed to sell it to anyone without Pfizer approval.
Manufacturing capacity
Pfizer will use "commercially reasonable efforts" (which you remember, means it is more a "should" than a "shall") to make the product.
New order? New rules!
If you need more dosages, Pfizer might be "notifying Purchaser of additional or revised terms Pfizer would require in
connection with such Additional Order."
Pfizer might deliver to you dosages from other countries. Remember, Pfizer controls their products, even after you paid and got it.
Shortage, part 1 (2.5a):
If Pfizer cannot deliver the amount they committed to on time, they would decide how much and when the country will get, and "Purchaser shall be deemed to agree to any revision.".
Shortage, part 2 (2.5b)
"Purchaser hereby waives all rights and remedies that it may have at Law, in equity or otherwise....(for) failure by Pfizer to deliver the Contracted Doses in accordance with the Delivery Schedule."
Shortage, part 3 (2.6)
"Under no circumstances will Pfizer be subject to or liable for any late delivery penalties."
Purchase price
We already talked about it - $10 per dosage, with upfront payment of $2 per dosage, or 200 million dollars, which Pfizer MIGHT supply.
You must pay
Purchaser is not allowed "to withhold, offset, recoup or debit any amounts owed (or to become due and owing) to Pfizer", regardless what.
cGMP - part two.
What is the cGMP for mRNA product which was never approved for humans before? Is the gene therapy itself is not covered by cGMP?
NO serialization, No TESTING is allowed, no specific requirements by local authorities.
"Pfizer will not agree to request for local testing or request for lot release protocol or requests for registration samples" !!!
Comment about serialization: Normally, each vaccine manufactured must have a batch related information, to be able to trace it, in case of adverse response to the vaccine. There are protocols for vaccinating children, for example, and one of the most important element in the training of those who inject any substance to human body is to register the details of the batch (lot) of the product (alongside the time, date, location, who administered it etc.)
[UPDATE - Aug 2021) while the batch information is present on the bottle (validated by FDA documentation on the matter), the lack of serialization is confusing, it stand against EU regulation, and it confusing why it was inserted as a legal clause.
Product rejection
You can only reject on cGMP OR latent defect (see above), but remember - YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TEST THE PRODUCT !!!!
Pfizer is the law
If you still want to file a complaint, Pfizer will test and tell you if they will decide if something is wrong or not, after all, you are not allowed to test, or to get it to be tested by a third party.
Deadly Recall
Purchaser must pay for all recall expenses, unless it can prove that Pfizer performed "a wrongful act, willingly and knowingly committed without legal or factual justification, with the intent to cause the harmful effects".
The purchaser hereby confirm there are no laws that can conflict with this contract.
But I had a warranty!!!
No, you actually have no warranty, not even for the "fitness {of the product} for a particular purpose."
"Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized."
[UPDATE] - 3rd of August, 2021: 6.3 Mutual Termination Rights.
When you see the NY TIMES telling you that the FDA is about to give Pfizer an approval for their vaccine by early next month (early September):
"In the event: (a) the Product does not obtain Authorization by September 30, 2021...then either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party."
Pfizer have 2 years to deliver what it promised. If they do. Remember - no promising!
The Brazilian Contract - Indemnification
Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer, BioNTech, each of their Affiliates... and each of the officers, directors, employees and other agents and representatives... from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses, whether sounding in contract, tort (delict), intellectual property, or any other (losses) caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the Vaccine, including...prescribing, administration, provision, or use of the Vaccine"
Pfizer has the option to defend itself, or to require the country to perform the defense (with the oversight of Pfizer). Any settlement or agreement must be approved by Pfizer. Pfizer keep the right to "reasonably cooperate with Purchaser in the defense of any Indemnified Claims conducted and controlled by Purchaser."
Pfizer has the right to participate of any legal proceedings as part of the defense.
If Pfizer things a country is not defending itself enough, they will take over the legal case (and the country will be forced to pay for it)
Even if a court of law will decide that there is a place for compensation, the country must pay all court related costs to Pfizer on a quarterly basis.
The Brazilian Contract - Product Liability
The country should get an insurance for the performance of the product, because "In no instance shall Pfizer and its Affiliates be liable to Purchaser...for any liabilities of Purchaser to any third party, including, without limitation, through contribution, indemnity, or for any claim for which Purchaser would have to indemnify Pfizer if that claim were brought directly against Pfizer."
Or in other words - if someone sues Pfizer and win, the country must pay for it, so they should get insured.
The total liability of Pfizer is the cost of the contract, not a penny/cent/pesos more.
The Embassies (and bank reserves, and any possible asset) clause
"Purchaser...waives any right of immunity which either it or its assets may have or acquire in the future including any assets controlled by any agency, instrumentality, central bank, or monetary authority of Brazil, in respect of any arbitration pursuant to Sec on 12.2 (Arbitration) or any other legal procedure...whether in Brazil or any other foreign jurisdiction, including but not limited to...immunity against precautionary seizure of any of its assets."
New York, New York
"Purchaser, on behalf of itself and the State of Brazil, expressly and irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New York, or any other court of competent jurisdiction"
You cannot change the law
"Purchaser also expressly and irrevocably waives the application of any Law in any jurisdiction that may otherwise limit or cap its obligation to pay damages arising from or in connection with any Indemnified Claims."
The "Purchaser (it)...will continue to have adequate (laws) and adequate funding...(to) fulfill the indentation obligations and provide adequate protection (to Pfizer and) shall maintain such (laws) and funding... for as long as necessary"
The Brazilian Contract - Confidentiality
In clause 1.11 it was defined that "Confidential Information includes, without limitation, the terms and conditions of this Agreement."
In clause 1.18 it was described that “Disclosing Party” means the Party or any of its Affiliates that discloses, or causes to be disclosed, Confidential Information to the other Party or any of its Affiliates.
In clause 1.48 “Recipient” was described as "the Party who receives Confidential Information from the other Party.". In this case, the contract was received by the country from Pfizer.
Back to 10.1: Non-Use and Non-Disclosure:
Contract must remain in strict confidentiality, countries are not allowed to be disclosed to 3rd party without the approval of the other side.
If required to share the contract due to legal or government directive, the country must inform Pfizer in advance so they could try and prevent it.
If failed to protect against exposure, the country legal council retract segments they believe should not be exposed.
The country is not allowed to expose the financial clauses OR the indemnification clauses.
Confidentiality, continued
Any breach of the confidentiality (of this contract) shall be considered the responsibility of the Recipient who exposed it to a 3rd party (representative):
A 10 years affair
The contract must be kept secret for 10 years.
Dispute resolution (12.1)
Disputes must be performed in New York, New York, USA.
Arbitration must be performed under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”).
The arbitration must be kept secret (exception list included)
The costs of the arbitration, including, without limitation, the Parties’ reasonable legal fees, shall be on the loosing side.
A country is not allowed to mention Pfizer name without Pfizer approval.
The country must not disclose the existence of the contract, the clauses it contains nor its content, or the type of relationship with Pfizer without Pfizer consent.
Any press release regarding the agreement is subject to Pfizer approval.
Governing Law:
The law that govern this contract is the laws of the states of New York, USA, (not the laws of the country).
The contract protect Pfizer and all of its affiliates (e.g. BioNTech, all of Pfizer subsiduries and legal entities etc.)
Any losses to the affiliates due to violations of the contract will be viewed as a loss of Pfizer and acted accordingly.
Remember - this contract was signed with the ministry of health (on behalf of the Brazilian government).
I am not sure whether or not this means that the ministry is not allowed to delegate or subcontract any of its duties and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Pfizer. For sure for the country level.
Any such attempted assignment of rights or delegation or subcontracting of duties without the required prior written consent of the Pfizer shall be void and ineffective.
Pfizer can, without Purchaser’s consent, assign, delegate or subcontract any of its duties and obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate of Pfizer, BioNTech or an Affiliate of BioNTech.
The digital version of contract which was sent electronically is considered to be legally executed.
The agreement shall be viewed as if both parties have jointly wrote it.
Interesting statement, considering the statement of the ex-CEO of Pfizer in Brazil (see below).
The English version of the contract is the one that is binding, not the local translation.
How much did Brazil pay so far?
This year Brazil has paid to Pfizer a total sum of $708,701,223 (yes, 708 MILLION dollars) for COVID19 vaccines to Pfizer (based on today's exchange rate of a total sum of 3,694,895,245.00 BRL). Here is the source. In May, Brazil ordered 100 million more dosages from Pfizer, using order 25000.062483/2021-08, this time at a price of $12 per dose (vs. $10).
ADDENDUM - 6th of august 2021:
The following message to the press was written by Denilson Oliveira, who works as a coordinator of communication AND a journalist for CDN Comunicação in Brazil, which Pfizer uses as a PR company:
This press release was published by CNN Brazil. Here is the English translation:
Regarding negotiations with the Brazilian government for a possible supply of Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine, the company clarifies:
✓ Based on a confidentiality agreement signed on July 31, 2020 between Pfizer and the Ministry of Health, the company cannot comment on details of the ongoing negotiation, but states that the clauses presented to the Government are in line with agreements reached in other countries around the world, including in Latin America, with several countries having already started vaccination, saving lives.
✓ Since the start of the pandemic, Pfizer has been searching for a therapeutic response that can help fight COVID-19. Globally, the company decided that the vaccine against COVID-19 is a good that should be offered to the general population, so it has allocated its efforts to negotiations with governments around the world at the same time, including with the Brazilian government, through negotiations that began in June 2020.
✓ Countries like the United States, Japan, Israel, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama, as well as the European Union and other countries, have guaranteed a quantity of doses to start immunizing their populations, through an agreement that includes the same clauses presented to Brazil.
✓ Pfizer is still waiting for the Brazilian government's decision to establish a supply contract, based on the agreed terms and conditions required for a definitive agreement, based on the doses still available for distribution.
✓ The availability and delivery schedule of the doses to the country depends on the date of closing of the supply agreement in view of the high demand for doses and the ongoing contracts with other countries. Pfizer has submitted three proposals to the Brazilian government for a possible acquisition of 70 million doses of its vaccine. The first proposal was submitted by the company on August 15, 2020 and considered a quantity for delivery starting in December 2020.
✓ The pharmaceutical company will produce about 1.3 billion doses of the vaccine by the end of 2021, in five plants in the US and Europe.
✓ Pfizer continues the regulatory process of continuous submission of its vaccine to ANVISA and will remain at the disposal of the Government to achieve an agreement that benefits Brazilians.
January 2021
Pfizer Brazil
Please visit my blog to see the article I've written on Brazil…
Why is this contract so important? because Carlos Murilo, who is now the CEO for Latin America for Pfizer but was the head of Pfizer in Brazil in 2020 has testified to the Brazilian committee that PFIZER DEMANDED THE SAME CONDITION FOR THE PURCHASE OF VACCINES AGAINST COVID19 FROM ALL COUNTRIES. However, his statement that the claim that Pfizer might go after assets such as the embassies in which he said it is a distorted information is not correct. They might not go after them, but they have all the legal right to do so based on this contract...
Via CNN:
Murillo pointed out that, apart from regional changes in the agreements, the contract that has been suggested to Brazil is the same as the one signed by 110 other countries, and stated that none of these countries have contested the clauses in the contract that refer to liability for the vaccine's side effects.
"The conditions that Pfizer sought for Brazil are exactly the same conditions that Pfizer has negotiated and signed, at this moment, with more than 110 countries in the world.[…] From the point of view of our international consistency, given the pandemic situation, given our vaccine development process, these were the conditions negotiated and accepted by 110 countries with whom Pfizer has signed the contract today," he said.
A longer video review on the testimony can be found here.
Addendum (2nd of August, 2021)
I received the following comment on Telegram, and I thought of sharing it with you:
"Ehden, correction here. When you mentioned in this part: "The president of Covid’s Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI), Omar Aziz, has imprisoned former director of Logistics at the Ministry of Health, Roberto Ferreira Dias, on charges of lying during his testimony.", what in fact happened is that not one single penny was ever paid for the Covaxin. No contract. And the supplier have correct the invoice (not the purchase) where these values were mistakenly (or by purpose) stated.
The reason he was arrested is that this CPI (Inquisition) is not trying to investigate who really has embezzled Federal Government money, that were Governors and Mayors.
They are trying to blame the Federal Government.
But a decision by the Supreme Court, back in April's 07 2020, pull out of Federal Government it's duty to tackle the fraudemic, hence it's responsibility was to send OUR money to Governors and Mayors. And these guys went to Supreme Court, asked and were heard, NOT TO pay testimony in this CPI. That's the major point. No State or Municipality has authority to make contracts with Pharmaceutical Companies for they don't have the guarantees to provide during contract phase. That's why Pfizer asked for the sovereign assets in many cases: only Federal Government has it."
This was a LONG review. I tried to cover everything I saw in the contract. REMEMBER - I AM NOT A LEGAL EXPERT, everything above are MY OPINON and my OWN interpretation.
I am not a legal expert, but you don't need to be a legal expert to identify risks. I work in information security for many years, I help organizations manage risks of confidentiality, integrity and availability for a living.
If I can see endless contractual risks in this contract, and I am not a lawyer, I can assure you that lawyers would have noticed it.
This contract MUST have been approved by the legal departments not only of the ministry of health but the legal department of the Brazilian government. If not, it is a legal suicide.
Who are the legal experts who vetted this contract on behalf of the ministry of health and the governments?
Where they qualified to vet such a contract, considering the international jurisdiction involved?
If such legal experts vetted the contract, who saw the legal risk assessment and who signed off for the legal risks?
Was the person or body which signed off for the risk (accepted the legal risks) had the authority to do so?
Why citizens were not being presented with the contract and the contractual risk assessment prior to the agreement?
Why do citizens still being denied access to the contract their country signed in most of the countries of the world?
This is not a regular contract, this is a contract which introduce a magnitude of legal risks and huge liabilities to the countries that signed such an agreement. This contract impact every citizen, it strip away our rights, as citizens. This is not an agreement with a company, it is an agreement with a foreign power, a foreign government who sets up the rules and subjugate countries to follow them.
Every country that has signed this contract with Pfizer has been forced into becoming a pharmaceutical Banana Republic, where the priorities of a multinational supersede the priorities of its citizens. You might think that you live in the US, Canada, Israel, Brazil, or the United Kingdom, but in fact you are living in Pfizerland, or Modernaland, or AstraZenecaLand.
The contracts I have published brought to light the fact that our governments have been forced to sign such agreements without our knowledge and our consent as citizens, which turned our world into one big pharmaland. I do not want any company to be above the rule of law of my country, and I do not want my country to change its laws so that a company can be exempted from what we, as citizens of the country, are required to abide by. Our governments and ministries are supposed to serve us, not a pharmaceutical multinational, any other multinational company.
This needs to end, RIGHT NOW.
I want to leave you with the REAL Brazil... I ❤️ Brazil
2021, all rights reserved.