Jan 14, 2022Liked by Ehden Biber

Geez... this just gets worse and worse!

Thank you for this information and the analysis.

I can't see how we can overcome these globalist encroachments on our countries - it seems that these powers are already entrenched just about everywhere. (Those few African countries that resisted, have all somehow ended up with a change of government.)

BTW, in the English language, while the word "may" might seem to suggest discretion, "may not" on the other hand is a very strong prohibitory expression, equivalent to "must not" but slightly more polite. (Sorry about my English teacher nerdishness!)

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First, thank you for clarifying the MAY NOT statement. Makes total sense...

Indeed the powers are against us, but we are stronger than they are, because we serve the truth.

It is the perfect timing. We explain to the judiciary that it is their last chance to stop being replaced via the next contract signed secretly.

Why is that? Because this contract is setting up a precedence that makes every other violation of the government looks like a kids play. It stipulates an illegal commitment, and the government power grab is so extreme judges cannot continue to ignore it.

We make it personal because IT IS personal attack against judges and legislators.

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How to fight back?

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we must storm the government buildings and computers en masse and cease the documents immediately. only we the people can do this. we did not consent to our governments signing this on our behalf. we the people own our sovereign assets , not the governments. therefore pfizer can do wha the hell they want to the governments but nothing to us because the contract is fraudulent as we did not consent.

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Legalized Mafia. Things seem to be even more complex, please see https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/. Pharma companies are just pawns in the game, it is beyond corruption and capture of the regulatory agencies. If Katherine Watt is right, these bioweapons, virus and vaccine, productions and use against peoples, are under US DoD control and have been pseudo-legalized; if possible to legalize crime. They are going to take over the control through UN/ WHO. Western world has already turned into totalitarian regime, a single centre of control is obvious. I think WEF is the interface, Nato and intelligence agencies are structures of power, mainstream media- the propaganda tool. How this could happen? Political structures have disappeared, everything and everybody was bribed, blackmailed, intimidated or removed. The "free" market conquered the world, the idol of profit transformed the so called civilised countries in mafiotic structures, ready for treason and killing. As long as dollar keep its (pseudo)-value, everything that bring them a "good business" will go on: wars, climate change, pandemics. They will do anything to keep the game going and being the masters of the game. Stupid and mad people managed to take over part of the planet.

Interesting that the horror is so great, especially for the democratic westerners, not used to think that their governments can act against them- that the ones who tell the truth seem to be the mad ones. The truth is not an easy matter.

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