Great share Ehden!

Any word on peer reviewed publication?

Hopefully, they can increase the "N" and publish in the same journal as the abstract.

I plan to reach out to Dr. Steven Gundry about this next week.

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The Pulse score increased from 11% ro 25% with a net change of 14%. This is the rate that tentatively can be assumed to apply to a healthy person. The articles abstract says "At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.". If the period of elevated risk for ACS within 5ys last 2.5 months then the risk for a healthy person to acquire ACS within these 2.5 months is 0.58% (14*2.5/60). That is a significant number compared to a covid IFR of 0.096% and perhaps a good explanation for these athletes are dropping like flies.


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"these athletes are dropping like flies" Provide the numbers. Did heart problems increase in atheles in absolute numbers. Provide the study.

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Look up the numbers kept by FIFA. Usual years, 4.1 soccer players fall dead on field. 20 in Vaxx campaign year, likely significant.

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So these are people who already have heart issues, and the vax made their existing issues worse? I'm not sure how this relates to normal people, though clearly it's a strong signal to avoid these things if you already have heart issues.

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Athletes, young healthy athletes, have dropped dead after getting vaxxed.

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The question is how long after the vaccine they started to practice and how hard. It is all about the resting after you got that vaccine.

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Vaccination temporary increases inflammation, that's how vaccines work. The question is if the markers are far out of the expected range, or if they stay elevated for months after the vaccination.

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2.5 months yes, at least, from the study

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