Jul 23, 2023Liked by Ehden Biber

Thanks Ehden. It's just the HIV that I Question.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Ehden Biber

I scrolled fast. did not read. it looks like a lot of real biology research. i will copy the whole webpage and study it. and if i find it correct, i will promote it in our telegram page, so others read it. thanks for your work. we are at war. solution for gun is gun. those who had enough and want REVENGE, go to our telegram and read all previous posts. you will find the solution. moses https://t.me/GodMosesLaw 22 Jul 2023

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You're welcome. Please read. I've just updated the article to include more information on the relationship between niacin and mitochondria.

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I hope this marvelous write-up is put to good use. There are videos about high dose B1 helping heal Parkinson's and now B3. There is another source with promising information on Parkinson's and it can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_zg3iTi0M0&t=530s Anything to get out of the hypnotic trance the medical profession has people in.

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023

comrade, these demons from hell, pharma factories, are putting graphene oxide and nano particles in anesthetics. we have evidence with microscope from two different independent researchers in italy and usa. those who go to dentist, if they get injection, or for any surgery get injection, they are as good as jabbed.

we also have another evidence of an unjabbed man, but after surgery, he is showing all side effects of jab poisoning, blood cloth, hearth attack. he is not dead yet, but it seems like soon he will be transfered to afterlife.

if you are interested in participating, we are starting a new pharmaceutical factroy with 100% transparency to produce some drugs which are needed. you can trust no doctor, no hospital, no drug. these demons converted the earth to real hell.

contact me. we have a ton of jobs for all sorts of people in our new factroy. moses https://t.me/GodMosesLaw

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