Feb 17Liked by Ehden Biber

I would be very cautious about lavishing too much praise and credibility on either Mike Benz or Tucker Carlson. Yes, Benz appears to know a lot, and Carlson does a good job of acting shocked and amazed, but so what? Benz says this is a military takeover, but we all know that the military doesn't act on its own. It serves somebody. And as we know from Gen. Smedley Butler, who it serves is Big Money—i.e., banking and corporate power. And I am quite sure it's the case also with what Benz is talking about. In fact, I think we can safely say it's the same banking and corporate power that has controlled the Collective West at least since the 17th century when Cromwell turned over England to the usurers who came in from Amsterdam. After that it's the Bank of England, then the Federal Reserve, and today, J.P. Morgan and BlackRock. Follow the money, people!

I do hope people would read my book "Our Country, Then and Now" to get a more complete picture. Please don't be seduced by would-be know-it-alls like Benz and Carlson. In fact they may be, in the words of the covert world, "Trojan Horses." In fact I think that sums up Tucker Carlson pretty well.

Richard C. Cook


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Hi Richard,

First of all, thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it, and I will try to have a look at your book.

About the other parts of the comment:

Of course those who control the deep state are behind the military regime that control our lives, and the control over the banana republics that people like to call them "states" or "countries". IMHO Tucker and Mike are not trojan horses. If you analyse the perceptions of reality people have from a neurological and evolutionary perspectives, the way we develop our model of reality (as Jordan Peterson calls it "maps of meaning") is a complex process that depends on our interactions with the environment, our biochemical state, and our genetic disposition. I agree with Bret who say this is a web of nested complex adaptive systems, and as such when I analyse people like Tucker and Mike my conclusion is that they are driven by trying to resolve inconsistencies between the perceived desired state and the state we are in, via their own capacity. The fact Tucker believes in God, in good and bad, in truth, in love, makes him a person whom I love deeply. Is he flawless? Of course not, we all have a flawed ego, and it's part of being human. In the now, there are no trojan horses, only truth, only love.

Deep love


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Feb 19Liked by Ehden Biber

Just going to throw out a thank you because I listen to tons of detailed researchers and even at 1x speed I knew I needed a transcript for this one! Subscribing to your stack and thanks twice!

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Feb 18Liked by Ehden Biber

Thanks. I do hope you read my book.

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Feb 17Liked by Ehden Biber

👏👏👏👏👏🙌🎩Excellent transcript work !😉

Covers alot of the basics on "how" we ended up here in the last few years, globally and domestically.

There's still alot missing as Richard C commented above. And I would agree that the interviewee/interviewer likely have their own agendas for drawing attention to the information.

But the more peeps can understand the intertwined institutions, events and politicized and weaponised socials and media, the more we can set about changing them into actual democratized entities, or getting rid of them completely😐🤔😉🤐

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Thank you. Please see my reply to Richard, I've tried to explain my understanding of Tucker and Mike, and I hope it would make sense.

Deep love


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Hitler's Third Reich did essentially the same thing during WWII and developed a continuity of government (facist-eugenicist-weapons plan) so lead to an eventual Fourth Reich. Borman planned it would develop from long term corporate holdings not claimed by the allies and the creating of incestuous relationships with banksters.

Those are from the Royals like King Chuckles III and their non taxable City of London to the Swiss Bank of International Settlements and it's Jabba the Hut wierdo to our own corrupt and our nation destroying UnFederal grifting Reserve Bank with grandma dressing as the big bad wolf Yellen coming to eat all the gullible red riding hoods.

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.. pure madness very well drawn ..

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Velcome dahlings to the arrival of ze Fourth Reich.

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