The sooner we let go of the myth of "elections," the easier it will be to process and deal with the reality of our situation. This cherished myth is blocking us from acknowledging that it's the globalist string pullers pushing these antihuman policies, not any "elected" official we've supposedly "chosen." Then we can much more easily ignore whatever they say.

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I'd bet against you but I'd probably lose.

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After awakening to the lies over the past few years, I now believe that I have NEVER cast a ballot that meant a thing in the US over the past 30 years. Sad but true. The only thing elections do is provide a distraction. If we are lucky, some of the conversations will wake up more people to the reality of the puppets on display.

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30 years ago would have been 1993 . . . just about the time the internet came in.

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Back to whenever mail-in ballots started. Suddenly Calif went from conservative to liberal. But the farce of voting likely goes back even farther.

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I would think that signatures don’t have to be good enough to fool an expert, just good enough to fool a minimum-wage, partisan hack, signature inspector.

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Thank you for helping us face up to the truth when the irresponsible news sources who should be reporting this daily are ignoring the matter. Thank you for filling the void.

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Sending to a friend of mine who lives in the US.

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