The Delusionals
I've written as if I am writing to a friend whom I love deeply and know since time immemorial. Please consider me as a friend whom you love and know since time immemorial. Please forgive my French…
Our governments betrayed us. Our institutions betrayed us.
I don't trust any of the systems that are supposed to follow the principles of good governance. NONE of the western countries and "the free world" acted and acting as following the rules of governance that are based on the principles of our societies, which were supposed to be based on freedom. The principles of the common law have been run over by a political system that is using deceit from the moment your parents register you and get your "birth certificate", all because you are nothing but a commodity and a resource for those who really rule upon us.
I have personally seen so many failures of the system we are living in, and the lack of accountability that surrounds the unethical behaviour of those who operate and manage in these systems, that I am not surprised our governments and our institutions acts the way they do - WE DON'T STAND UP FOR OURSELVES.
I said to people that the date which will mark the beginning of the Second American War will be the day after the election of 2020, when EVERYTHING I've seen told me there is a wide-scale forgery. I remember that what really shocked me most was the fact that a group of inspectors came with an order signed by a judge and tried to enter one of these voting counting operations, and they were refused. Then the whole electronic voting scandal, electronic voting should be disallowed. Why? because anyone who would do a PROPER risk assessment to what was there would tell you that these systems carry a HUGE risk, both from the probability of a data breach, but also because of its magnitude. The election was stolen, and the fact that it is a taboo, almost as big as the fact that “the vaccines” are the worst crime in medical history that ever took place, is just a sign to show what kind of “democratic” system we run under. Everything becomes consolidated, everything is run and own by BlackRock et al, our countries cause a war and sabotage a major energy supply infrastructure (oh, please, spare me the Putin 4D/5D/6D theories, you make Alex Jones look like an Oxford Professor. It was done by “a Western ally”, which makes the Sicilian Mafia look like Greenpeace, before it was taken over by Communists. Western ally has done an act of terror against the citizens of the European nations, and we are just going to let it pass? Do we love to suffer so much that we bring upon us more suffering?
I stand and say it clearly - whomever is in government right now is not my friend. Whoever is running our banking and financial systems are not our friends. Whoever is running big tech is not our friend. Big Pharma with their total indemnity is now beyond our reach. I don't trust ANY of the leaders of "the free world". If we do not wake up now, we will be having the option to choose between a local dictatorship or having a foreign dictatorship colonise us. This is where we are.
Our time has arrived.
WAKE THE FUCK UP! STAND UP AND SAY, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!”. We do not want a war with Russia. We want to reach peace. We are against the actions of our governments, who betrayed us with their energy crisis they created with their fake “Global warming due to the human’s CO2 omissions” agenda. ANYONE who will see the documentary I’ve watched will see that we are being lied to, by all sides of the political spectrum. We live in a semi-fascist state, where our government colluded with industry in order to make us become more and more dependent on them. Small businesses? fuck them. Kids development? Screw them. Treating people who suffer from severe illnesses? less cost for us if they die early. Kill old people? We rather call it “do not resuscitate, thank you”. Whatever was happening in Ukraine was done as a result of corrupt US establishment, both the institutions that runs the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are as corrupt as fuck. An amphetamine drug dealer is more reliable and cares about you than your government. After all, he is only operating in the market they created, with “our leaders” who suddenly collectively decided that terms such as border and sovereignty do not really matter to them, even though it is darn matters to us, in terms of the horrific crime waves all across our countries, the organised human trafficking, the taboo of speaking about it.
Our leaders betrayed us. They steal away people’s lands. Lands that had been passed by generations, families who believed in self-fulfilment by living a life of destined hard work have suddenly been told their land must turn into a solar power facility, or if they are lucky, get Bill Gates to buy this land from them.
All of us are being robbed out of our ancestors' heritage. Not only land, but our culture, our values, our language - suddenly having an opinion is no longer an acceptable possibility, if you think slightly off the current narrative, and you need to be constantly alert because it shifts all the time. Culture is now all about victimhood, and wokeness. And the worst is the trans agenda - transsexualism, transhumanism... I’ll tell you what it is - it is , trans-sanity - the end of any sanity and choosing insanity to lead us to wherever the crazy minds of people who have no clue what love, or compassion, or kindness, or happiness, or stillness is.
As if we don't know how it looks. As if we don't have fucking North Korea to show us how life can be to human beings with ZERO rights, run by a leader and his establishment that knows no love, no kindness, no compassion, no kindness, and are in constant un-stillness because they are terrified someone would try to topple them.
The people who "lead" us and control our lives have zero capacity to be in the now, they are truly delusional. We are led by delusionals, they live in a fantasy world that is based on the delusion that power controls the world, forgetting that LOVE MAKES THE WORLD. We are here because of love. If you ever had the gift of seeing your child as they are born, you have the gift of being able to experience the miracle of love. These are people who do what they do because deep inside of them they don't love themselves, they love their ego's self, a group of unloved children that makes the world around them a mirror of the inner hell of the inner child which is trapped in the hands of the ego.
This is what we are facing. These are the people who have betrayed us. They are lost, they really believe their ego, and project that to us by making us experience deep suffering. They are here to remind us what we must do, right now.
So again, now slightly more gently: wake the fuck up. please. If you care about freedom, about the opportunity to experience life fully, to be happy, to be in peace, to feel love flow through us, to be in the now, if you care about our opportunity to give our children and their children a better world, now is the time to take action. Russians are not our real enemy. Our enemies are our political establishment and the big institutions, both private and publicly owned. We deserve better.
Enough is enough with all the lies, with all the deception, with all the manipulation. We stand as a free man and women, and claim our freedom.
Say to yourself "I am a worthy being of creation" (whatever creation means to you). "Life without freedom is hell, and I do not choose hell. I choose to serve the truth. My ego understands it can experience truth ONLY when it surrenders to truth in a loving way, when it let go of control. I surrender to the now. I surrender to truth. I surrender to love."
NOW is the time to be free. There is only now. Be here, NOW.
I (am the) LOVE (that is) YOU,
We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
I had a similar post today, less loving though, I need to work on that.
Peace be with you Ehden, yes, love heals, war is profitable for bankers.
The only way to make any sense of all of this, is to go to a higher level of awareness. I do not have any definitive answers, but in recent weeks I have come across a rich vein of thought, with several different people who have some alternative outlooks.
Paul Levy, who has taken the Native American concept of "Wetiko" - the "mind virus" of evil that is rampaging now. This is a good introduction:
There is also the concept of the shifting world narrative, most beautifully articulated by Paul Kingsnorth in his 3-part essay "The Vaccine Moment".
You can download it for free here:
These are all very readable, and I found it very heartening to take this higher perspective.
Because at this earth-plane level, most of us are feeling pretty powerless about all the crap that our "leaders" are throwing at us, the lockdowns, the jabs, the climate hysteria, the unbelievable march to nuclear war. With any dissenting voice being labelled as "disinformation" or "domestic terrorism" - the assault on freedom of speech being truly the most scary part of it all.