One Technique is Not to Think
The relationship between the obsession of our governments to install multiculturalism, the current state of affairs we are experiencing, and #PfizerLeak.
Sweden is one of the most beautiful countries on this planet. In the days before COVID19 I once had an overnight ferry trip from Helsinki, Finland, to Stockholm, Sweden. The beauty of nature that I witnessed in the morning as we approached Stockholm was outstanding.
And that brings me back to COVID19.
There was something else that was going on in Sweden, which is the reason I am writing this post. In 2017 I watched a documentary about the conflict between immigrant communities and the local Swedes. The film included an interview with Göran Adamson, a person who used to be a professor in a Swedish university, and how his criticism on what multiculturalism has created cost him his job. I created a video that included on the segments in which Göran Adamson was speaking and posted it on my (very inactive) YouTube channel. It got about 150K views.
There was one question in the movie, which really made me think about the relationship between multiculturalism and what we see happening in our democracies. In this segment Göran told the interviewer that he has a lot of colleagues who still work in the same university he was working in (Malmö University College), who have a hard time because they question the things you are not allowed to say and the things you are not allowed to question. The interviewer was trying to understand and so asked Goran: "What kind of techniques do they use in order not to get themselves fired?”.
Goran answered: “Well, one technique is not to think".
I invite you to watch the video and to think on how the same governments that were so eager to push for multiculturalism in the west now have no problem implementing squashing anti-vaccine culture, and forced vaccine passports. I suggest that when society is in a state that Göran Adamson described as "social reality no longer matters", it is then when the ground is ready for governments to take over society, steal away the freedom of its citizens, and rob them from their rights.
When you are not allowed to question an official narrative, when the government is the one that tells you what cultures are good and what cultures are not good, and claim you are part of a bad culture if you have any criticism on the other culture (or refuse to join it), it is not a democracy anymore. You are not allowed to question the official narrative. People have been programmed not to question, not to listen to their own instincts. This is the society we are living in right now.
When you are not allowed to speak freely and express concerns in the system of government you are under, when you accept that this is OK, it is then when governments can extend their control of the social reality and turn the country into a more and more authoritarian state.
Truth is the only thing that can set us free from the dystopian nightmare that awaits our democracies if we will not choose to surrender to the truth. The same way most of those who call for multiculturalism either never really grasped they are being played by the same dark forces they want to diminish, or they are actively trying to bring upon these dark forces, so do those who are involved in what we see unfolding in front of our eyes. Some try to protect the innocents but have no clue they are being played, some do it knowingly and enjoy the self-harm that is being caused to the society, and many, as Göran Adamson have said, simply prefer not to think.
Our governments have signed contracts with big pharma that gave all manufacturers a total indemnity. This was the terms set by the players, and then our "democratic" governments have squashed any attempt of developing an early treatment, and pushed for the product that can give them control over us. These same governments use the same methods they used when it came to multiculturalism to eradicate any attempt to question the way the state is handling our affairs. In the new world order, there is no place for free thinking about the state. The ruler is your god, the creator of idols and myths, and you are not allowed to question your god, your ruler. Exactly like in China.
A slave.
I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section, and will do my best to reply.
They have been doing the same thing with "climate change".
For most of my life, I've been an environmentalist, against the casual destructiveness & toxic pollution of the mining and logging industries (which here in Australia are a key foundation of our economy), trying to recycle my rubbish, all the other stuff you support.
But then in 2019 things changed - it all became "climate change" and the only focus was now carbon dioxide emissions. We had climate change rallies, and Greta Thunberg. And you didn't have to look very deeply to see that the whole environmental movement had now been hijacked. (A slightly deeper look reveals that George Soros & all the usual suspects are funding it and controlling it.)
My field of study is biological science and psychology - I don't have the background to evaluate climate science, so I can't really comment confidently about whether or not human-caused climate change is as huge a problem as they are telling us (but I suspect not - there is so much evidence that this is just a phase in a natural cycle of climate, and that other things are happening, such as the reduction in our earth's magnetic field).
But I can recognise a con when I see one!
And as with the narratives about vaxxines, and multiculturalism, we have a quasi-religious narrative about climate change, that you are not allowed to question without risking going foul of the Grand Inquisitors...
Anyone who poses reasonable questions or objections such as questioning the wisdom of a push for 100% reliance on "renewables" is called a right-wing reactionary (or worse).
I can see this agenda waiting in the wings to be rolled out soon, to justify more restrictions, and food shortages too.
I think the push for multiculturalism is part of a sinister agenda to break down our communities and our human connections - as with lockdowns, the attacks on small businesses, and all the human misery justified by the scamdemic, these are all enforced and pushed with religious fervour, and thinking is definitely not going to be allowed!