Another day, another tragic news about a "sudden death". This time it is Peter Eckersley, who was the director of computer science at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EEF), and the founder of Let's Encrypt. RIP Peter.
As a risk professional I find it utterly sad that our societies are self-gagging themselves and refuse to perform a risk analysis for the cause of all these deaths.
I've seen this pattern of behaviour all the time during my career. Again and again I worked on a risk assessment, using the risk appetite of the organization I worked in, collected evidence, performing the analysis, and when I presented it via the risk dashboard the people in the risk committee refused to listen, and claim the risk is not as I presented it. Which brings me to addictions.
The biggest addiction problem we have in our world is the addiction of people to their ego's story. It is worse in societies where people are brainwashed and become addicted to the story of the tyrants that control their population.
Right now, based on the way we are not talking about the sudden deaths all around us (from professional athletes via young healthy people), it seems that our societies has been enslaved by an addiction to a group dogma, also known as Mass Formation (Mattias Desmet). We have lost the ability to perform risk assessment even when these risks are about the life, health, and happiness of ourselves, of our loved ones, and of all of our brother and sisters.
This insanity cannot continue any longer. Do we really wish our kids to grow in a society that is run by lies or by commitment to the truth?
To those who question whether or not Peter was vaccinated - here is the proof.
“For most of us who are healthy and fully vaccinated, this wave will be like a bad regular flu season. However if you're either unvaccinated or immunocompromised, or have other extensive risk factors, it's a different story… If you're unvaccinated, get a shot now. But there may not be enough time for it to kick in given how much covid will be around next week. Get vaccinated, but take cover from this wave anyway.”
With love,
Ehden Biber
The mass denial is truly astounding, among peoples of all economic strata and political viewpoints. It’s like people are unable to admit that we were as a society duped so easily, quickly, convincingly, to line up for such dangerous and unproven shots which have now conclusively shown to be killers. We simply cannot seem to fathom that we are the veritable sheep we always joke about.
My favorite excuse is: No way the shots themselves could be that deadly. It must be covid and the spike protein itself.
I met Ken and his wife at a fruit and veg store recently.
They are tripled-jabbed and masked in the store.
Their three children - 23, 20, teen - took two each.
We chatted whilst his wife went to do her things.
Ken is your typical media-informed majority.
I contradicted everything he said with reasons and facts, causing him to pause and think since he could feel that I was well-informed. No, he did not ask me to share my information or sources.
Me: What is this, all masked up? You have vaccinated?
Wife: For double protection.
Me: Have the covid deaths been verified? Most covid deaths were deaths "with" covid; not "by" covid.
Ken was silent!
Me: Did you know that the average age of covid death is higher than the average life expectancy?
Ken was silent!
Ken: Have you personally seen anyone die from the vaccines?
Me: My sister attended three funerals: 52; 72; 69 year olds.
Ken: But, have you personally seen anyone die from the vaccines?
Me: Have you personally seen anyone die from covid?
Ken was stunned into silence!