A thread for those who believe in God, as well as those who don't.
If God is the ultimate truth, it is the moral duty of every human being who believes in God to serve that truth, and it is the moral duty of every human being who believes in God to tell the truth.
If God is the ultimate love, it is the moral duty of every human being to act from a place of serving that love, and it is the moral duty of every human being to act from a place of love.
Therefore, there is no bigger sin than to claim you are a believer in god and not telling the truth, and not acting from a place of love. Which brings us back to the world we live in, and the events that have been unfolding all around us and within us for the last two years.
There is only ONE place where we can find truth and love in, and that is IN THE NOW, where our ego control over our experience is dissolved.
When we were babies we did not have a story, as we have not yet developed an ego. We were in the now. Babies are true now beings.
Neurologically, the reason for that is because our right hemisphere is the dominant hemisphere from the time we are born until we develop an ego. When the ego is developed, and as culture engraves more and more its definitions of meaning into us, our left hemisphere rises.
There is a HUGE difference in the roles of our brain hemisphere. Not only are they different in size and weight, but also have a different functionality. The right hemisphere is optimized to process the now, and the left hemisphere is the meaning of that now to us.
In fact, if our right hemisphere is suppressed, we are unable to integrate new information. This is why people who suffer from right hemispheric damage are more likely to be unable to recover and regain their lives back.
Which brings us back to the times we live in, and God.
When we are trapped in our left hemisphere, we are trapped in our own story and have no capacity to integrate new information. The way to know if one is trapped in their left hemisphere is via pain experience: If you experienced suffering, you are trapped in your story.
You see, in life pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional, and is a result of being unable to integrate new information. If you cannot escape the experience of suffering you have, it is because your right hemisphere is suppressed, and you're trapped in your story.
I have witnessed it in the most extreme possible way: after surrendering to God as a result of a death experience I had in 2014, 2020 came and I got lost again in my left hemisphere. As a result I lost everything I had.
The reason I got lost in my story was a combination of biochemical and emotional stress. In March 2021 I got overexposed to chemicals, and I was worried for the state of my wife and new-born son, who got trapped in Russia.
The chemical exposure has increased the stress in my body, and enhanced the anxiety I felt due to the fear from what we were told is a mysterious deadly virus that was attacking humanity. Stress leads to increased acidity, and impacts our mental state.
Increased brain acidity in psychiatric disordersDecreased brain pH in the patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder has been considered to be the result of secondary factors associated with the diseases, such as medication and agonal state. …https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170807110404.htm
Even though I knew about the topic because it was part of a personal research I've conducted for many years in my attempt to try and understand and communicate with my non-verbal autistic son, since I was trapped in my own story I was unable to understand that I am trapped.
Only after I lost everything, only after I finally gave up trying to fix it, only after I found myself crying "God, I surrender, I surrender; guide me please!", only then I started to recover and come back from the hell which I experienced every moment I was conscious of.
Which bring us back to religion & current events:
ALL religions talk about surrendering to God (to truth and love), and yet since it is our left hemisphere which is the dominant hemisphere, people follow the narrative they've been told about surrendering.
Thinking you are following God because you follow a scripture you have read is similar to thinking you experienced an orgasm just because you have read about it, because to truly follow God is to act in line with what God is, which is tell the truth and act with deep love.
You cannot tell the truth if the definition of truth is the one which is defined in your left hemisphere. You cannot act with deep love if the definitions of love are the ones which are defined in your left hemisphere.
All of our sins are a result of that entrapment.
The events that have taken place in the last two years are a result of the fact that most human beings in modern cultures have been so entrapped in their left hemisphere that they have no clue how to truly surrender and be present in the now. Everything is about a narrative.
To be able to change the state of current affairs we are in we must tell the truth which is that most human beings have no clue to experience the truth because they rarely if ever have a "now" experience.
We forgot how it felt to experience the world via the eyes of a baby.
As I've written in a previous thread, we live in an era of scientism, a belief that science is the answer to everything, and that scientists have the answers to our suffering, in a thread called “THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS - MYTHOLOGY, NEUROLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, AND... VAXINES.”
Scientism is a false God, and scientists who believe they can manipulate reality to create a better world without acknowledging our own limitations and the limitations of the left hemisphere are false prophets, and those who follow them commit the worst sin that exists.
This is why in one of my past interviews I've said I am a big supporter of #TheGreatReset, but I've added that this great reset is an internal one, a spiritual one, an act of true surrender to truth and love.

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, as a result of the enlightenment movement focusing only on reason and facts, that "God is dead". As scientism is a belief in a false God, then without true God, without truth and love, life is full of suffering.
I discovered it in 2014.
The events that are unfolding right now are like a hurricane. If we try to fight or escape it, it will devour us and make us suffer. The safest place in a hurricane is in the heart of the storm.
Surrendering to God and being in the now is our only safe haven in these times.
If after two years of everything that has been happening in the world you still think that you can make people understand what's going on by telling them the truth, you first and foremost fool yourself. WITHOUT YOUR EGO SURRENDERING TO THE NOW YOU CANNOT INTEGRATE THE TRUTH!
I invite you to listen to a song written, composed, and performed by Milli Moonstone.
I surrender.
I surrender.
I surrender.
To purify each thought and deed,
To let spirit flow through me,
To be free.
Hi, very nice article.
While differing somewhat from yours, I had a similar experience of epiphany a few years ago.
What I learned is that, while God does ultimately require justice be done, patience and mercy are the practical consequences of his infinite love. Your honest mistakes are instantly forgiven. By sincerely seeking God with all your heart, and by extending love and forgiveness to our fellows, you become able to receive this forgiveness.
It’s not necessary for us to be perfect, at this very moment, in following the will of the Heavenly Father — what we are is not nearly as important as what we are becoming. God inhabits eternity, and consequently what we who inhabit time and space perceive as slow and incremental progress, God sees as completed truth, provided we are sincere of purpose (because if we aren’t sincere, then the progress will eventually come to an end).
While it is true that God inhabits infinity and eternity and those things are remote from us, God actually dwells within us as a gentle and very real influence that softly, quietly and persistently whispers “This is the way”. Sensitivity to this Divine Gift can be, through steadfast faith, carefully nurtured to the point that it is no longer a whisper but a brilliant beacon of spiritual guidance and you become no longer able to conceal “the fruits of the spirit” that such diligent application of effort causes to become evident in your life and you become a true Son of God. That’s how you know it’s working.
And all Sons shall come to the Father, and be part of the glorious reality that is eternal service in love and righteousness. This “vale of tears” is not without divine purpose. Your faith response to your fiery trials becomes part of eternal reality, and persistently evincing faith in facing defeat and disappointment results in your very personality becoming identified with this eternal reality — everlasting life (though obviously not in the physical body).
As real as was God’s revelation to you, this was the substance of what I was taught.
In world of lies, seeking truth is a never ending pursuit. I thought at one time I had come to know the truth and so ended my seeking. That is living in the past and coming to rest, a place of spiritual deadness. Living is seeking the truth and telling it to yourself daily. Specifically, that I am on a journey and have not arrived as yet but there is hope ahead. The crumbs of truth from thy table lead me there oh Lord.