Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022Liked by Ehden Biber

As a physicist & mathematician, I have studied, since the mid 1970s, the hypothesis of "catastrophic human caused climate change" caused by "runaway" CO2 due to humans, and I can firmly say that the language and content of the hypothesis of a looming climate disaster are both TOTALLY MISLEADING and FALSE. But, if CO2 got much above 1%, life as we know it would be much different, or not at all. The planet, Venus, didn't get the way it is (75% to 85% CO2) from biological processes for that reason. But, that doesn't stop agenda-driven hysteria from being couched in language and words meant to DECEIVE and OBFUSCATE the issues.

For instance, the words, "fossil fuel" used to describe natural gas, oil and coal are DECEPTIVE. The adjective, "fossil" in fossil fuel, states an "agenda-driven" conclusion implying that gas, oil and coal have their origins from biological processes. ----- In fact, natural gas, CH4, methane (also known as carbon hydride) exist in huge amounts in most of the atmospheres of the outer planets and some of their moons (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Titan, etc.) The temperatures, below -100 degrees Centigrade, doesn't allow carbon based life to even exist, much less thrive. ----- Carboniferous meteorites, having coal-like content, have their origin "not on Earth" (i.e. the carboniferous meteorites didn't need "trees" to form their coal-like deposits! ----- And oil needs a reducing atmosphere, not oxidizing atmosphere like we have, to be produced (if made from animal carcasses or plants).

Consider a large pile of "oil-soaked" rags - the oil slowly oxidizes, heating up, and if confined enough, may catch fire. Ditto pools of oil, presumably from some dinosaur decaying. What kind of mechanical process would get so many "pools" of such dinosaur "oil" underground fast enough to not be oxidized? For the oil not to oxidize or decompose, the atmosphere must not contain significant oxygen. You can't have it both ways. Either oxygen is present to allow animal life. Or oxygen is absent, which means the animals could not have existed. Purposefully, these questions are never asked by agenda-driven people. What was Al Gore's Nobel Prize based on???

Climate change has all the earmarks in Matias Desmet's book describing "Mass Formation Psychosis"; hysteria created by the cooperation of the loud-mouth mainstream media (MSM) in goose-step synchronization with agenda-driven oligarchs, financed by partner bankers, made "legitimate" by partnered politicians.

So, the "green" energy push is part of the same mass hysteria of C19, moneypox, nitrogen hoax, etc., pushed hard for the last 2 1/2 years, all under the guise of "our governments love us," and "Don't question our 'good' intent, especially misinformation conniving scientists".

More explained shortly in my "to be initiated" substack thread.

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Have you heard about the alleged Planet X which allegedly has a petrol oil and iron rich comet cloud around it? and it gets near Earth every 3600 years or so, dumping petrol on us and other planets as it passes by? Point - it agrees with you.

Allegedly that is where the underground pockets of oil came from. Watch the sky for rainbow like effects and occasional burning blobs of falling petrol. Pics are being shared online. The rainbow effect is very pretty.

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Well, if we could ever get Planet X to materialize to be observable, it would be nice. But, where does Planet X get its petrol from? Chicken and egg. And, in dropping petrol oil into an oxygen-rich atmosphere, the petrol would burn up at ignition temperature. Leaving lots of CO2 but not non-combusted oil.

There are a number of other explanations for rainbow effects, including refraction of light from air of different temperatures (having slightly different indices of refraction) which cause the rainbow effect. The twinkling of stars is due to such changes in indices of refraction - which might manifest different colors, too.

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It has the reducing atmosphere or something like that, dead star more than a planet. I don't remember all the details. It just matched the long comment. The accumulation would occur in cycles where the two planets get close enough together to cause cataclysmic change and have petrol dumping on us. Fun times, Biblical. 🤔 Allegedly

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Well, I base my comment in this thread, yesterday, totally on science. There is zero room to doubt that natural gas/methane is very "natural", being found in plenitude in the atmospheres and in methane lakes on outer moons and planets. No need for a biological source, as the outer planets/moons are too low temperature for "naked" carbon-based life. Ditto the total paradox on oil -- if oil was of biological origin -- unless there was an booby hatch transport of all of it to underground, oxygen-free, caves, the alternative would demand Earth's atmosphere as "reducing" - which is incompatible with life. Ya can't have it both ways.

And, natural gas/methane is 25 times more powerful as a "greenhouse" gas than CO2. CH4 "leaks" from the ground and from oil wells; however, the Earth's atmosphere "mops up" all methane (do an impartial search on it; many go-ogle searches are prejudicial to the climate change narrative) when it interacts with ionized water molecules (H2O ==> H-OH) in the upper atmosphere, producing CO2 and more water vapor.

Bottom line = this is all science. Not depending on a story being true or not.!!

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Yes, I value accuracy. You were making the point that current "theory" about fossil fuels is not reality based - not chemistry based. And I shared that there is an alternative explanation online for the Earth having petroleum that would agree with your summary of reducing/oxidizing chemistry. I didn't share a link and have no skin in this game. Are aliens among us? My Magic Eight Ball is pointing towards "Maybe for a long time."

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Well, first, let's eliminate the need for an "authoritative" source, as we have seen, the mainstream media (MSM) and government, Dr Mengele (fraudxxi), claim to be authoritative, but are the opposite. Only well-gathered data and critical thinking will determine scientific truth. Otherwise, we are just making guesses, especially when we listen to authoritative sources, which, without critical analysis and thinking, are also just "hearsay."

Where did oil come from? How about that oil is just as natural as methane/natural gas is? When, in the formation of planets, the "soup" of different chemicals was in proximity to each other in the solar system's "temperate" zone (where the Earth now is), some chemical reactions were catalyzed by the light/uv/gamma and, combined with favorable temperatures near the liquid point of oil, when the Earth "clumped" together, the oil, methane, carbon, etc. were part of that formation, wobbling and pooling together in subterranean cavities/caves.

When you take agenda-driven words like "fossil fuel" artificially combined to create an agenda, one is kicked in the head, with the propagandists forcing down your throat that you must believe that oil, gas, coal were products of biological activity and not natural. People MUST take the adjective, "fossil" and impartially separate it from "fuel" -- realizing the combined term, "fossil fuel" was purposeful to mislead the non-thinking reader.

Aliens? We'd need concrete proof -- I met J Allan Hynek at a lecture at NW University (I'm showing my grey hair) who ran Project Blue Book. He was studying, for the government, UFOs. He told my dad and I that all the stories and evidence for UFOs in the 1950s-70s had easily alternative, natural, non-alien, explanations. i.e. He found Zero definitive evidence for UFOs to be alien aircraft, then. In his time, there were only dozens or 100s of cameras available to take pictures of UFOs. But, holy cow (!), for the last 20+ years, there have been billions of cameras available -- and still no UFO strong evidence. Nope. Even the astronauts have no definitive evidence, either.

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Didn't you know? Unobtanium comes from Planet X.

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Holy cow! Shades of Pandora!

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This is really impressive work and needs shared. Thank you.

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I read this when you first wrote it, and made sure to bookmark it because of so many key points about our energy situation that are identified. And it's well worth a second read - thank you!

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