The Pfizer Mandate
How the mandate Pfizer was given to provide vaccines has created in Israel a new social class, and what does the mandate means for the rest of the population - not only in Israel, but around the world
One of the key events, which later led to the creation of the state of Israel, was the League of Nations decision to mandate the British empire to administer the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, following the end of World War I in 1918.
"a mandate is a binding obligation issued from an intergovernmental organization (e.g. the United Nations) to a country which is bound to follow the instructions of the organization." (wikipedia)
Mandate (international law) - Wikipedia
But a mandate is also "A judicial command, order, or precept, written or oral, from a court; a direction that a court has the authority to give and an individual is bound to obey."
(Definition of mandate in the Legal Dictionary by The Free Dictionary)
In 2020 a new set of mandates has been given to multiple entities that are involved in what we are experiencing right now.
They were not given by the UN, which is a puppet organization, but those who truly control the world.
This is not a theory, the same way it is not a theory that the casino always wins. Huge multinationals are the big winners in the last two years, while those of us in the middle & low class who gamble our freedom by betting on trusting our leaders have lost.
If you are sure it is just a coincidence that all the countries in the world decided unanimously to drop their pandemic plans, ignore the option of early treatment, and to focus at first on lockdowns and then only vaccines, you should not be allowed to gamble.
And yet here we are, at the end of 2021, and the vast majority of the people in the world are trapped in the vaccine roulette, asking the casino dealers for advices, betting again and again on vaccines and boosters.
Which brings us back to the mandates.
It is important to try to understand the system in which we are in so we can be able to get back our freedoms. The purpose of this thread is to allow you to understand the system via looking at how it was used in the past.
Welcome to OUR endgame.
The same way Britain was instructed to administer Palestine (and Jordan), #BigPharma has been instructed to develop gene therapies to target the virus. As a reward they were given a huge profit and total immunity, and the right to dictate their own contracts.
If you think the above statement is so outrageous, I invite you to read my #PfizerLeak threads (links will appear as an appendix), and see the contracts that were signed by the countries, and how Pfizer admitted all the countries have signed their terms.
Mandates were also given to all the "Generals" of the world, our world leaders who are controlling "Your Show of Shows".
The original TV show was funny (RIP Sid Caesar and Carl Reiner, long live @MelBrooks), this is not.
See the Joe Rogan episode with doctor Peter McCullough, MD, to understand how early treatment was being sidelined from the beginning. I personally know a man who tried to convince a government to use Vitamin D and he described it as "Mostly like banging head against wall".
Our mainstream media also has been given a mandate to cover the events as they unfold via a specific prism. This is why major TV channels has not been broadcasting and covering the demonstrations against the steps our governments are taking.
Take a look at a clause from the Brazilian contracts, about the topic of indemnity, and I ask you to guess who is mentioned in the long list which is going to be the topic of this thread.
Don't worry, you will know the answer in the next paragraph...
The indemnification covers: "Clinical trial researchers", "Third parties to whom Pfizer…may directly or indirectly owe an indemnity based on research…commercialization…and to each of the officers, directors, employees and other agents and representatives…"
Commercialization is the process of bringing new products or services to market, which includes the distribution, marketing, sales … and other key functions critical to achieving the commercial success of the new product or service.
Bringing a Product to Market through Commercialization
Commercialization is the process by which a new product or service is introduced into the general market.
Isn't our government acting as the distributor of the vaccine in the country? Don't they constantly act in marketing it via MAINSTREAM MEDIA? Did you notice the stocks of vaccines our leaders have been buying? How they sell the vaccine to us as our only hope?
"Clinical trial researchers" - is that why Israel hurried so fast to sign a clinical research program with Pfizer? Does it mean that the Israeli Ministry of Health and everyone involved in the program are also indemnified?
The indemnity clauses also included "the respective predecessors". It means that the contracts have created a new class of people who are totally immune from any wrongdoing if they have either been serving the vaccination program or serve it now.
As I've mentioned in another thread (links in appendixes), the contacts our governments signed includes a waiver in which they declared that the contract will be above the law of any land when it comes to indemnity.
We are witnessing our governments, public service, researchers, and mainstream media being exempt from liability to their actions, as anyone who works with Pfizer in the context we are in gets indemnification from their vaccine related actions.
I invite you to think of the following question:
"Could it be that some of those who are aware of the mandates given to governments, #BigPharma, etc. might be tempted to use their indemnity power for their own personal gain?"
I invite you to imagine the risks.
We are in the midst of a hostile takeover of our democracies. Look at the latest variant and the irrational response to it…unless it is 100% rational because those who play the moves have been given a total indemnity.
Governments in bed w/industry = fascisms.
First, a quick correction: Remember this? My understanding is that this can cover the case when someone is being sued in a court of law for damages. This clause does not cover criminal law … but … for that Pfizer has article 9.5 in their contract.
26/ Article 9.5:"Purchaser has and will continue to have adequate statutory or regulatory authority…(to) fulfill the indentation obligations…the sufficient of such statutory or regulatory requirements…shall be in Suppliers’ sole discretion.”
There is a known Hebrew expression which says "more than the calf's wish to suckle is the cow's wish to breastfeed". More than Pfizer's wish to make a deal, our governments wanted to sign the contracts, because it gave those involved in it indemnification.
Those contracts are still secret; now you know why. Do you still believe that all those who are heavily involved don't know about the #PfizerMandate? The contract gave power which some justified by lying to themselves and some simply took because they crave it.
According to a RAND institute webinar most countries around the world did not have vaccine indemnification in 2020. Now they do, and I ask you to ask yourself how come even countries that tried to resist it eventually signed it? I believe it is because of the #PfizerMandate.
I'll try to wrap up this thread tomorrow. The good news is that we can fight them back. Powerful beings have weaknesses, and as you saw, we know the #PfizerMandate weakness - the indemnification clauses. A small reminder from Queensland, Australia.
I will continue soon...
Thank you so much for clarifying this. Now i know Why our minister of State in Denmark was visiting Israel just before They started the vaccineprograms. I shared imediatly.
Is Israel a bigger player than most might think?