After months of mostly ignoring my work, the world's media SUDDENLY started to talk about the Pfizer contracts, while, at the same time, it continues to ignore my revelations...
(This thread has originally been posted on my Twitter account, starting the 21st of October 2021).
We live in a multiverse. In one universe lives most of the people who are following mainstream media, where news is being censored and information is heavily filtered to match a well constructed narrative, and where my work does not exist.
This thread is about our universes.
I first realized that I live in "another dimension" when the editor of @guardian, to which I complained about an article they published (on September 10th) about the Brazilian Pfizer contract which I exposed without referencing me, suggested to amend it.
Pfizer accused of holding Brazil ‘to ransom’ over vaccine contract demands
While the editor refused to acknowledge the writers had any knowledge of my work, and claimed they found out about the contract because some French lawyer had exposed the contracts in August, he did suggest, out of goodwill, to add an amendment to the original article.
Here is his suggested amendment:
"It was removed soon after, then was publicised by information security expert Ehden Biber at the end of July, and but WENT LARGELY UNNOTICED OUTSIDE BRAZIL until the information was tweeted by a French lawyer and writer last month."
(more below)
Then, on the 19th of October, a report that has been written about the Pfizer contract was published. Written by @zainrizvi and published by @Public_Citizen, this report DELIBERATELY (and you will see how soon) suppressed my work.
Report: How Pfizer Silences World Governments in Vaccine Negotiations - Public Citizen
The purpose of this thread is to expose the two universes we are living in.
As you are about to see, the claims that my revelations went largely unnoticed are false, and the chances that anyone who writes about the Pfizer contracts will be unaware of my work are non-existing.
This thread will start with a chronological timeline on the #PfizerLeak saga, and later … you will soon see!
Let's start at the beginning.
On the 26th of July I published what I coined #PfizerLeak - a breakdown of the manufacturing and supply agreement that Pfizer had signed with Albania, which I found online.
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This document was first published by an Albanian independent news outlet (gogo.al) and went unnoticed. Only when I published it on Twitter, broke it down clause by clause, and explained what it means, people around the world started to take notice.
On the 27th of July I published the most important Pfizer contract I ever exposed - a digitally signed contract between Pfizer and Brazil. Via the verification mechanism embedded within the document I was 100% sure it is a legitimate contract.
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On that day I managed to create a telegram group, T.ME/EH_DEN and I uploaded the contracts to that channel.
At this point my #PfizerLeak hashtag was on fire. My posts had 8 million views in two days and I moved from around 400 followers to more than 10K. People were sharing it with friends, doctors, journalists, media outlets, podcasters, you name it.
Some news outlets started to take notice:
PfizerLeak: trapela un contratto di rifornimento dei vaccini
Coronavaccincontract met ‘wurgslang’ Pfizer gelekt: dit staat er in
On the 28th my revelations were also covered by a French media outlet, @france_soir.
PfizerLeak : les contrats Pfizer et leurs clauses surprenantes
The 28th was also when I was scheduled to give two interviews. The first #PfizerLeak was on The American Journal:
While I was being interviewed, I suddenly had no access to my twitter account. Out of nowhere, it was "temporarily restricted", and I was unable to post anything, nor to release it from the restriction.
Only later I found out twitter claimed I violated the terms of usage…
The 2nd interview on the 28th of July about #PfizerLeak was with the American Frontline Doctors. It was entitled "Information security expert on revealed Pfizer agreements: ‘There’s good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details of these contracts’"
Later that night, my revelations about the long term effects were mentioned by @TuckerCarlson on his show. "The truth is we don't know, and we don't know what we don't know, and here is how we don't know what we don't know", then he requoted my work.
Tucker Carlson: CDC mask guidelines – this isn't about the science, here's proof
I gave my 3rd #PfizerLeak interview on the 30th of July on the Stew Peters Show, it was entitled "Author of Viral Twitter Post Validates Document LIVE". It reached around 100K views.
#PfizerLEAK - Author of Viral Twitter Post Validates Document LIVE on Stew Peters Show
On that day, a Dutch political party in The Netherlands has asked the government and the minister of health a series of questions based on my #PfizerLeak exposure...
Het geheime wurgcontract van Pfizer: tekende Nederland dit ook?
On the 31st of July I published on my blog "The Brazilian Job" - a FULL breakdown of the Brazilian contract - who approved it, how I 100% sure it is real, expanded analysis of the different clauses, and proved it is relevant to all countries.
PfizerLeak: Exposing the Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement – The Brazilian Job (DAY 5&6)
On the 2nd of August, a 128 years Swiss newspaper has published an article on my exposure:
On the 4th of August I've published on my blog the article "We need to talk about Pfizer", were I expanded on why I've committed a career suicide by publishing the Pfizer documents.
We need to talk about PfizerLeak
On the 4th of August RT also published an article and a video on the topic (which reached a few hundred thousands views, and since then it was taken off because the RT YouTube channel has recently been terminated).
Pfizers Geheimvertrag geleakt – Kunden sind Willkür des Pharmariesen ausgeliefert
At this point my twitter account is restricted: I can see (via my email) the messages I receive, but can't reply. I am bombarded by requests for interviews (e.g. @jimmy_dore). I take the time and effort to focus on communicating with the people via Telegram.
On the 7th of August I publish another analysis on the Pfizer contract with Brazil, questioning the legality of the contractual executive branch obligations which empty the power of the legislative branch as well as the Judiciary branch in democracy.
PfizerLeak – What If the Pfizer Contracts Were Declared Illegal?
On the 9th of August I posted an article on what will later be coined #COptiGate, exposing the usage of Codon Optimization technology which is used by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. This later led to a series of threads on the topic.
Variantology – The Deadly Optimization No One Talks About
On the 11th of August I publish "Passports to Hell", the reason why totalitarian regimes hate literature classics, and how one of these classics describes what we see right now, and what will happen next.
On the 12th of August I publish "The Zyklon B of the 21st Century", about the horrifying similarities between the chemical weapon which was used by the Nazis in WW-II to terminate Jews in gas chambers and the SARS virus, in particular its spike protein.
The Zyklon B of the 21st Century
On the 13th of August My twitter account moved from being restricted to suspended.
Then... out of nowhere, I suddenly can post, so I joke about it, and only later I discover that my account has miraculously been released, and I still don't know how!
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The 1st thread I post after receiving access to my account is a #PfizerLeak one, called "PFIZERLEAK REDUX - THE REAL REASON WHY YOUR GOVERNMENT KEEPS THE PFIZER CONTRACTS SECRET FOR 10 YEARS".
It is based on the analysis I did on the 7th of August.
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On the 17th of August I was on The Counter Culture Mom Show w/ Tina Griffin, where I showed her the step by step on the validation process I did, using the same video I've provided Stew Peters.
The Counter Culture Mom Show w/ Tina Griffin - Ehden Biber Exposing Illegal Pfizer Contracts 8/17/21
On the 21st of August I published "#PFIZERLEAK - THE ISRAELI CONNECTION", looking at claims about the contract between Israel and Pfizer made by @RWMaloneMD, reviewing the research agreement between Pfizer and the state of Israel (Ministry of Health).
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On the 4th of September I published "#PFIZERLEAK - CRIMES AGAINST #EU-MANITY.", on how the European commission deceived EU member states, MEPs, and EU citizens.
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As I mentioned above, on the 10th of September @guardian publish an article entitled "Pfizer accused of holding Brazil ‘to ransom’ over vaccine contract demands"
Pfizer accused of holding Brazil ‘to ransom’ over vaccine contract demands
In it, they claimed that "In April, the contract was leaked on the health ministry website", and later removed but provided no reference to when it was removed. It then claimed that it was exposed via a tweet by a French lawyer, @anatolium, who published it on twitter.
Juan Branco, who published the document is the person behind the aurores.org website, which is a form of a French Wikileaks infrastructure.
Link to @anatolium thread:
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Link to the contract: notice - uploaded in August!
On the 11th of September, I published "#PFIZERLEAK - ISRAEL: THE STATE OF (MIS)INFORMATION.", looking whether or not there is an exclusivity agreement between the state of Israel and Pfizer, trying to explain why Israel only used Pfizer vaccines.
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On the 17th of September I published "#PFIZERLEAK - CRIMES AGAINST #EU-MANITY - THE PREQUEL EDITION!", in which I looked into what EU member states commit to when they didn't opt-out of the EC agreement with vaccine manufacturers and why.
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Next... looking at the @guardian and the @Public_Citizen articles about the Pfizer contract(s).
Thank you for coming back. I will start with a quick recap of the #COptiGate articles, then look at @guardian claims they never heard of #PfizerLeak.
PART 3 will cover the @Public_Citizen report.
So first, #COptiGate - my analysis of engineering decisions related to the vaxxine manufacturing and their impact on the safety profile of the product.
I advise to start with the (chronologically) last post, to give you a summary of my findings.
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Then head to:
It is heavy, condensed, and includes explosive information covering much more than codon optimization.
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Continue to:
In this thread I looked at a research paper that explains why codon optimization creates an unknown protein behavior due to inter-dependency of codons (and thanking @Kevin_McKernan).
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Finally, if you love to learn how the code of the mRNA impact its safety, head to:
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Now that we covered most of my main writing on the topic of codon optimization, let's go back to THE #PFIZERLEAK MULTIVERSE, and focus on @guardian article.
I believe they had a typo error: They wrote "content is supported by the gates foundation". I think they meant censored😆
Juan Branco (@anatolium), the "source" of the Brazilian contract that @guardian has used was notified on #PfizerLeak on the 5th of August via a tweet by @phrack2600 that had the link to my Telegram repository channel.
#PfizerLeak @eh_den diffuse les contrats EU avec #Pfizer #Moderna et #AstraZeneca @DIVIZIO1 @amine_umlil @anatolium @cab2626 @LibreQg @blast_france @Mediapart @france_soir @AssoCovid @Laissonslespre1 @raoult_didier @idrissaberkane @AniceLajnef @MicheleRivasi @Thinker_ViewEh-den openbaart de EU-/EC-contracten met Pfizer, Moderna en Astrazeneca. Lezen jullie mee aub? #PfizerLeak @eh_den @thierrybaudet @PvanHouwelingen @fvdemocratie https://t.co/cu4ct3mwfdVrijhuid @Vrijhuid1
On the 17th of August Juan Branco (@anatolium) was mentioned in a quoted retweet about #PfizerLeak (now deleted):
Which included a link to the article in @france_soir (mentioned above).
As you can see, the authentication codes I provided on the 27th of July were shared on twitter TWICE before @anatolium posted them: on the 28th of July by @motio34556557 & on the 3th of August by @phrack2600, who shared with @anatolium my repository. Both tweets were in French.
In fact, if you search online for the document ID and CRC (0019603551 1A550AF8), which are used to validate the digitally signed document I've posted, you will find #PfizerLeak, and you will find my details. If you do a date-based search, you will not find anything.
Last but not least, if you look at the details of the PDF file of the Pfizer Brazilian contract that was used by @anatolium you can see it was created on the 24th of August, almost a month after I posted the Brazilian contract on Twitter.
Does the above prove that Juan Branco (@anatolium) knew that what was shared with him was already published? No.
Does the above show that @guardian journalists & editors did not validate the claims @anatolium made, OR, EVEN WORSE, checked it and decided to ignore #PfizerLeak? YES.
The @guardian editor statement, who suggested that my #PfizerLeak revelation "went largely unnoticed outside Brazil" shows a willful blindness of the mainstream media: they only consider something to be newsworthy if the source is part of their "trusted network" of sources.
#PfizerLeak was noticed all around the world, and still does. EVERY DAY I see people sharing my first thread, shocked that the MSM didn't tell them about it.
MSM knew about #PfizerLeak the same way @TuckerCarlson did.
They just try to suppress and hide it from their universe.
Until the @Public_Citizen report I thought I should give @guardian the benefit of the doubt, but now I think I can explain why my universe is being hidden from most people. It is not a bug, it is a feature of the multiverse, created by … well, wait for the finale in PART 3!