Do not lie to your children
Why the lies that we are being told as children are the seeds of the suffering we experience when we grow up.
For the first years of our lives, we do not have an ego, and thus we cannot understand or relate to the stories adults around us tell themselves and to us. However, we are exposed to these stories, and we integrate them into our lives without any ability to reject them, even when they are based on lies.
Because small kids sense people, the worst seeds are those which are imposed on the kids by their parents. When a child senses something is wrong, that their parents (who are like demigods to them) are not acting truthfully, and try to resist it, and when the parents insist on pushing their own story on the child, this ends us causing severe damage to the child, because it cripples the child’s ability to distinguish between truth and lies.
Be careful what your project into children, as the lies that we are being told as children are the seeds of the suffering we experience when we grow up. ALWAYS remember: "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They came through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you" ("The Prophet", Kahlil Gibran)
If you truly love your kids, it is your responsibility to live a life of truth, and to shine that truth with love so that you could fulfil your true role as a parent: creating for your kids a sacred space that would allow them to grow and discover who they really are.
For I am the love that is you,
Lies >> lost of credibility >> lost of respect.
The damage can be far-reaching and unforeseeable.